Woan smiling and lookin something in a cafe table.

Sanna Spišák

Sanna Spišák PhD works as a post-doctoral researcher in Media studies at the University of Turku in the Intimacy in Data-Driven Culture (IDA) research consortium financed by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) of the Academy of Finland. She is a heavy user of popular culture, consuming fantasy, thrillers, vlogs about cultural criticism and the new coming of television in the form of streaming services, all the while with her knitting needles in her hands. Spišák also reads crime novels, sci-fi and gardening literature. She waved goodbye to Facebook for good in 2016, but is empowered by the gardening and arts and crafts communities on Instagram. Spišák’s doctoral thesis ”Porn and Norms – Pornography and normative notions of gender, love, sex, and relationships in the sexual narratives of Finns on their adolescent experiences” is available for reading in the University of Turku digital archive.

Sanna Spišák

Authors blog posts

  • Puoliksi kuorittu banaani pinkillä taustalla.

    How do youth workers talk to young people about pornography?

    Sanna Spišák | 08. January 2020