
Elina Noppari
Elina -
Sara Peltola
Sara Peltola is a multifunctional guidance specialist running on musical energy. She currently works as an online instructor at Otava Folk High School and she is also one of the founding members of the Ohjausosuuskunta Ote guidance cooperative. Peltola presented her Master’s thesis to youth work professionals in spring 2015.
Sara -
Milla Porkka
I have worked as a Po1nt coordinator since early 2020. Previously, I worked as a project planner for the Po1nt on Chat project for two years, meaning that I was intimately familiar with Po1nt even before starting my job as coordinator. In addition to this, I have worked on projects in youth services in Lapinlahti, as a summer job activities planner for the City of Iisalmi youth services, as a special needs assistant, a kindergarten teacher and everything in between, from tending bar to working on peat bogs. I am easily excited and I never hesitate to try new things, I jump at the chance to experiment.
Milla -
Heikki Pullo
The author is a technology educator, who published a master’s thesis on Finnish maker culture in 2015. Currently, he is working at Arabia comprehensive school and Art & Craft School Robotti as a technology teacher. Further information:
Heikki -
Maija Puska
Maija -
Kimmo Pölkki
Kimmo -
Tuomas Rapp
I am 36-year-old long-time gamer and game educator. I work as a youth worker for the City of Espoo and I mainly work with organising and planning digital gaming. I have put special emphasis on organising targeted work through the game group. Using digital games as a tool is part of my work and I am involved in developing digital youth work for Espoo in the digital group within the youth services. I am also one of the founding members of the Pelikaverit ry association, which offers safe, trained volunteers as gaming buddies for young people.
Tuomas -
Minna Rauas